As I’m sure many of you have already seen, last week I was lucky enough to attend an amazing workshop hosted by Sophie Hansen, of Local is Lovely. The workshop was held at her family’s farm, Kimbri, in Rydal. It was a lovely place, and I surprisingly enjoyed being outside and on a farm (for those who know me well, know that I am not much of an outdoors person!). It was calming being out of Sydney for a few days, and like always with such workshops, invigorating to be around like minded creative people.
By now it must seem like I’m a bit of a ‘workshop junkie’, having attended 4 workshops in the last few months. I cannot properly explain how much I have learnt from these workshops. They have been exactly what I needed, and each has added to my photographic skills and most importantly, creative confidence.
When I first saw Sophie’s post announcing the workshop, I knew that I 100% had to go. There are times when something like this comes up, and I just know that it will be fantastic and exactly what I need. One of those things that you get so excited about, that not being able to go just can’t be an option! This was especially so when I saw that the lovely Luisa Brimble was going to be at the workshop, along with stylist extraordinaire Stephanie Stamatis. I was also rather excited about getting an art lesson from Sophie’s Mum Annie Herron.
The time I spent at Kimbri was just amazing, and I had a really great time. It was wonderful meeting new people, and catching up with those I had met at previous workshops. The food Sophie cooked, with the help of her friend Willa, was amazing. Before attending the workshop, I was in somewhat of a ‘food rut’. I had no motivation to cook anything much, particularly things that would be appropriate of lunch or dinner (read: you can’t have cake for lunch/dinner every day). After enjoying a couple of cooking-free days where I didn’t spend half the day deliberating what to make for dinner (then giving up at about 5:30pm and just having Vegemite on toast…again), I felt ready to tackle the daily dilemma of dinner again. First point of call was re-creating the zucchini galette made for lunch on the first day of the workshop. Luckily, after an ok first attempt, Sophie posted the recipe on her blog, so I could make it again properly!
Now, a week on, I am still in a slight workshop day-dream, re-living those couple of days through the photos and reading others blog posts about it. So now, I’ll add to those other posts, and go get myself a second helping of zucchini galette!
Stephanie making Turkish coffee.
Styling by Stephanie, photography instruction by Luisa.
Flower arranging with Amelia from Flower Era.
The finished product.
At Fabrice's Farm.
Styling by Stephanie.
Sophie making pasta.
Styling by Stephanie.
Art with Annie.
Many thanks to Sophie, Luisa & Stephanie for a fantastic couple of days.
Some sites to look at: