Here are a few more photos from the Local is Lovely Workshop. I really tried not to post too many last time, but I just wanted to share a few more!
I have also made a couple of Sophie’s recipes since the Workshop, all of which have been successful and enjoyed by all (except that attempt at pasta… don’t try make pasta from scratch with bread flour and no pasta machine… it won’t work!).
Sophie's Zucchini Tart - Recipe Here
Sophie's Buttermilk Scrolls - Recipe Here
Mum also stopped by Willa’s bakery, Racine Bakery in Orange, as she was passing through. We all met Willa at the Local is Lovely Workshop, as she was helping Sophie with the food. Willa brought with her some breads and croissants from the bakery, and they were all so delicious! Mum bought some croissants, olive oil bread and an apple pie. All were lovely. The croissants were particularly good heated up in the oven and served with jam! If you are ever passing by Orange or staying there a while, Racine Bakery is definitely worth going to.
Goodies from Racine Bakery, Orange
I have a few things in the works at the moment, and with Christmas fast approaching I am hoping everything gets completed in time for me to do some Christmas baking. This year will be the first that I haven’t been studying or working over the Christmas break, so I am looking forward to enjoying the time and actually being able to bake for us for once!
Hopefully I will have a couple of things to show you soon! In the mean time, this is the gingerbread recipe I will be using this Christmas. I discovered it last year and it is one of the best, and easiest I have made. One batch makes quite a few biscuits, and they are nice on their own or with icing.